Ami´s Healing Practice
Our co-founder Ami offers holistic consultations and TCM sessions
During his 25 years of clinic work, Ami was regularly invited to treat, teach and establish the alternative medicine departments of various retreat centres around the world. Due to his undeniable passion to the promotion of global and personal awareness, Ami has co-founded and collaborated with many projects worldwide, all of which are exclusively dedicated to this purpose.
About Ami
Ami´s work in Adamãe fusses methods like: Acupuncture, Trigger points, bodywork, 5 elements diagnosis, Shiatsu, Moxa, Cupping, Chinese Herbs and other TCM stems and branches. His sessions almost always include: lifestyle consultations, exploration of unwanted patterns which may result in chronic symptoms, corrective nutrition guidance and specified exercise plan, all of which are individually tailored for his patients needs.
Ami’s expertise ranges from acute physical symptoms to unresolved chronic discomforts, including: classic orthopaedic issues, internal organs related symptoms, digestion and abdominal issues, sleeping disorder, menstruation, pregnancy and fertility, stress related symptoms and many others.
Treatments at Adamãe
Online Offerings
Due to his unique experience of treating and teaching thousands of patients in various esteblishments around the globe, Ami has created a powerful and unique online approch to work remotly with patients. His online work is primerly focues on identifying and changing unwanted physical, mental and emotional patterns while allowing his patients to see the direct connection between those patterns and their symptomes.
His sessions may include: Diagnosis, lifestyle consultation, 5 elemets practical insights, corrective nutrition consultation, chinese herbs, individually tailoured meridian workout, and many other practical technics, all designed to increase his patient´s awareness to unwated patterns as well as offer a clear path to healing and realignment.